Important Announcement

I have an urgent need to increase prices for the second time this year, mainly to cover surgical costs for my vision. I used to not talk about my vision because it had remained stable for many years, but my current condition is going to decline, and I must share it since it is affecting my pace and quality of work.

I was born with congenital glaucoma, which has led to various vision-related issues. Now, I'm facing corneal edema, causing blurry vision and light sensitivity. My only option is to have cataract surgery and endothelial transplant within the next two years.

Despite these challenges, I remain positive and grateful for my ability to see and create art. I will continue drawing as long as I can, appreciating this gift of observation.

To support my medical needs and continue my work, I'm activating various platforms where you can provide your greatly appreciated support as a partner, friend, colleague, follower, or fan.

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